My Poems

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Rood Bridge Park

SR 4 Washington

SR 4 Washington

Dog Mountain

Dog Mountain

My Poems


Below you will find various examples of my poetry. Some is good, some mediocre, and some downright silly. The author will answer any technical questions about his work as long one doesn't ask personal questions such as; Who is it about? Why did you write it? What can I do to help you? and so on.

  The Comfort of the Sky
Purple, yellow, pink, and blue,
paint the sky in endless hues.

Clouds race and the wind doth dance.
While upon the ground, the rain doth prance.

Countless stars dot the dome above.
While sun and moon fly across like doves.

That window into the world above,
which holds so much that we do love.

All mortals here on earth do stare
Into that abyss which God hath shared.

We love it so, but secrets it doth keep,
while at night we tranquilly sleep.

Dreaming of that sky overhead,
we wish to go, but still we dread.

That great unknown, that encompasses all,
Into which, one day we all must fall.

Why do we fear what lies above?
For it was placed there surely, with Gods love.

Fear not the unknown or that you cannot see.
For there are things meant to be mystery.

Follow the example of the sky above,
and surround yourself entirely, with Gods love.


Babble babble says the brooke
while youing lovers pause to look
at an old couple out for a stroll
to the younger couple seem quite dull.
Yet one day they too must face,
the changing of time, season, and place.

Babble babble says the stream
flowing on forever it doth seem
past lovers young and old
whose stories have been or will be told.
The water cares not about their tale
it must move on or it will stale.

Babble babble says the falls
over which countless gallons call
to whomever will listen to their song.
Life is short, it can't last long.

Live it now so you won't regret
when your life's sun has finally set.


Tonight I walked the beach alone

with hands in my pockets instead of in your own.

The night was clearer than the one before

and many were the things I saw, felt, and heard.

I saw both lights from the cliff tops turning,

but could think only of your blue eyes gleaming.

I felt the cold north wind upon my face,

and remembered your hands when we embraced.

As I walked along, I stumbled,

and remembered my failings, our troubles.

But following the ocean’s example,

got up and forgot about my tumble.

As I turned back to camp I saw a golden light

and while perhaps it was the sun, rising that night

visions of your beautiful tresses were all I had in sight.

Yes it was clearer tonight and far could I see

but without you by my side,

I had no idea what lay just before me.

While great distance may come between

let us never go separate ways

for by your side I long to always stay.

Whenever you leave, promise me this,

that you shall return, and me you will always miss.

For I will be here waiting for you

hoping that our dreams for us,

may one day come true.



There's a feeling I know quite unlike the rest.
It comes but once a year, but I love it the best.
When the sky grows dark, and the wind begins to howl.
Then I know, it soon will be on the prowl.
A chill that goes deep within
into my heart as well as my skin.
First I lose feeling in my fingers, then in my ears.
Eventually it absorbs all of my fears.
There is just me, and the cold north wind.
I open myself and let it in.
Sometimes I wish I could always feel this way,
to be able to stand in front of the sun and not feel a single ray.
Life is simpler when you're cold.
Your don't have to listen, praise, or scold.
Just stand, still, and be one with the cold north wind.
That is when feeling truly begins.

This Bud's for You

I walked a circle, ever ascending.
passing names on walls, dates and etching.
The names of people, and their sorry plights.
but nothing touched me, like the sight.
of that lone beer can, resting
against the wall that honored the dead.
This Bud's for you, was what it said.
Given to a soldier, long since sleeping.
Who is still missed by a brother, still weeping.
And as the water in my eyes began to swell,
raindrops, like tears from heaven began to fall.

  Shattered Dreams
Here I sit, so alone,
with my broken crown,
upon my shattered throne.

I dreamt of love,
But love I lost.
And I cannot avoid its shove.

She said no, that bitter word.
Which I could only hope,
was meant in the absurd.

Why must I think
of that which I cannot have.
For losing it is foul,
like a drought of sour drink.

My pride is crushed,
it cannot be.
Why oh why did she say no to me?

I gave her gifts, and praised her virtues,
but she tossed me away, like some spent tissue.

That is not a fair judgement.
She could not control how she felt.
I asked for it, and I was dealt.

So my dream is gone,
and I remain,
picking up the pieces,
so I may start again.

The question is, can I go on,
or will I forever sing this song,
of love lost and opportunity wasted.
Oh I wish, differently it would have tasted.

For dreams are a part of us,
And when they go, so do we.
This conclusion, I finally see.

Perhaps it would have better,
never to have dreamt at all.
Then I would not have had to suffer the fall.

Oh bitter, bitter, bitter thoughts,
leave my mind and let me be.
For man without dreams is not a man at all.
He lives without purpose, with no decree.

Forget I must and move on as well.
It does no good on this to dwell.
Wander mind, I set you free.
Dream once again, so that I may be.

Mere Words


Words on a piece of paper,

mere streaks of ink on a flattened tree.

Yet the sentiment they convey

can be grander than what at first the eye doth see.


Hidden inside any text,

are puns, innuendo, and many a jest.

The smallest phrase can have endless meaning.

I love you is so simple but loving someone is truly living.


How can lines of lead

convey a sentiment that lives on when the one who wrote it is long dead?

Writing has that amazing quality,

to be timeless for all who can see.


So like true love are words

both carrying tremendous meaning and lasting for many a year.

Things one can hold inside,

or let shine forth and keep dear.


So when I write these mere words,

look beyond the substance that they are.

Look deeper, into their meaning and you shall find,

that my love for you is endless, and I am not merely being kind.


I mean every word I put down,

you are the reason that I write.

The ink of my pen flows for you,

for you are my guiding light.



These poems belong exclusively to William Nye, please ask to reproduce them (as if you ever would want to.)